Artifacts for ChatGPT

Artifacts for ChatGPT is a Chrome extension that brings Claude Artifacts to the ChatGPT website. Built with React and TypeScript.

Get Code, Preview, and Publish Faster

Ask ChatGPT for help with your code, preview your changes in real-time, and deploy them instantly on Zeabur.

No API Needed

Artifacts for ChatGPT works as a Chrome extension, so that you don't need to add your own API key, just talk in the official website.

Sandbox Preview

You can preview the generated codes in a sandbox environment realtime to see how it looks and works.

One Click Deployment

Enjoy the project that ChatGPT created for you? Just one click and your website is online.

Free Domain

Don't worry, we also provide free domains ends with for your generated websites, you can also change it to your own domain.

Edit the Code

No satisfied with the generated code? You can edit the code in the editor and deploy it again.

Side Panel View

Artifacts for ChatGPT provides a side panel view for you to see the generated code and preview at the same time.

Powered by the best tools.


Artifacts for ChatGPT

Ask ChatGPT to build the artifacts you need for your project. Preview, and deploy them in seconds.